MONTGOMERY • FEB 20-21, 2026


2025 Awards Results Preview 2025 Photos




300 Tallapoosa St, Montgomery, AL 36104


251 Montgomery St, Montgomery, AL 36104

M I N I C O N V E N T I O N: Montgomery 2025

Open Call will be offering a half-day convention at the Montgomery, AL event which includes three master classes from our evaluation panel from 8:30am to 12:30pm on Saturday morning. . Classes will be 1hr and 15 minutes long, and dancers will have a one hour break between competition and convention. Please contact for pricing and registration.

* In 2024, the Montgomery mini convention sold out, so please register any groups early, and email Open Call if you’d like to make a deposit to hold your space.

IMPROV SHOWDOWN: Montgomery 2025

The Open Call Improv Showdown is a supportive exploration of improv developed as a contest to encourage creativity, courage and fun! All dancers who join the Improv Showdown competition will be asked to line up on stage, listen to a sample of a random song and then will be called forward one at a time to dance for about four eight-counts. They then may be asked to dance all together or have other improv-based creativity prompts. The audience cheers the dancers, and the criteria that the judges use always account for bravery and ingenutity. The Improv Showdown is divided so that dancers compete in two different age categories- 12 & Under and 13 & Up. Please contact for pricing and registration.

S A M P L E  S C H E D U L E 


Door Open at 4:00pm

5-7pm: Teen and Senior Solos, Duos and Trios

7:30pm: 13&Up Improv Showdown

7:45pm: 13& Up Awards


Convention 8:30am-12:15pm

8:30am: Frankie Morgan (Contemporary)

9:45am: Tyler Parks (Jazz/Theater Jazz)

11:00am: Elliott You (Hip-Hop)

1pm: Petite, Junior, Preteen Solos/Duos/Trios

3:30pm: Group Competition

4:30pm: 12 & Under Improv Showdown and Final Awards

A detailed schedule will be placed online within 7 days of the competition.
A copy of this schedule will be emailed to all studio owner accounts.

Please email (or call 706-389-8433) to pre-register for any add ons.