WAIVER: All dancers need a signed waiver- please have their guardians do so here.

  • All convention classes will be hosted at Dancefx at 396 Foundry Street

  • Park in the adjacent pavilion or parking deck by pulling a ticket to enter and having it validated inside Dancefx

  • Snacks and water will be for sale at the Dancefx front desk for $1 throughout the convention. If you’d like to pre-purchase a 10 or 20 punch snack card, click here.

  • Lunch break is 30 minutes each day. Please bring a water bottle, snack and lunch, or preorder food here.

  • Parents are welcome to stay, but please don’t stay in the classroom- the AC will be working overtime, and it will get extra warm! There is a lobby with monitors, and you are welcome to come check in on your dancers in the classroom at any time!

  • When you arrive, make sure to pick up your wristband, goody bag and personalized luggage tag! You’ll need to wear the wristband all weekend, but are welcome to take it off to compete if you’d like.

  • All competition and performances will be at the UGA Fine Arts Theater at 255 Baldwin Street. Park at the Tate Center Deck at 45 Baxter Street and walk up the Lumpkin Street hill to the UGA Fine Arts Center. Dancers may enter the lobby or the loading dock door, and can find them by following the signage to the theater. Parents are welcome to drop off their dancer and large items at the loading dock turn around or at the lobby, but please don’t park in the loading dock.

  • On UGA Campus, all minors must be accompanied by a guardian.

  • Please help us to take care of our theater by following these guidelines: No glitter anywhere in the theater. In the house of the theater, please no tap shoes, no food or drink of any kind, and no balloons. Please do not use the lobby bathrooms for changing- these are public and used by UGA students.

  • All competitions and performances are free and open to anyone to come.

  • LIVESTREAM: There will be a livestream as internet bandwidth allows. For the livestream, click here.

  • PHOTO / VIDEO BUNDLES: Bundles can be preordered for $55/routine. If there are not pre-orders, we may not shoot every routine- please help us plan well! Email to pre-order photos or videos. Videos are $40/routine.

  • Friday’s schedule has been released to the performers, and Saturday’s schedule will be determined after Friday’s show. If you have a question about the schedule, email Dances are still being changed, but we can release the current program to you- just know that changes will be made up to Wednesday night.

  • Principal Lead Role is the National Title that Open Call Awards. These dancers are invited to travel with Open Call, perform their solo around the country, assist the faculty and receive recognition as an Open Call liason. We are very proud of our Open Call Principal Lead Roles, and the mentorship that this program provides.

  • The Principal Lead Role Competition will be held on Saturday, 6/29 at 4pm during the Overall High Score Competition. All regional title holders are invited to compete for the Principal Lead Role National Title. The top scoring routine in each age category will be awarded at the Gala on Sunday at 2pm.

  • Any new Lead Roles awarded on at Friday’s Preliminary, and regional Lead Roles going for Principal Lead Role on Saturday are invited to a casual orientation and interview on Friday at the UGA Fine Arts Theater immediately after the awards ceremony. If dancers are unable to make this meeting, we will be available to meet before the Saturday show at about 3:45pm.

  •  April Cook Advanced Tap 6/28 2pm $25. April leads at the level of the participants- Teachers and Advanced students can all find challenge and inspiration in class.

  •  Cassidy Star Mock Audition 6/29 2pm $25. Cassidy is a master of auditioning and will lead a fun and constructive combo, and offer critique about how dancers can better book the job! 

  •  Improv Exploration with Frankie 6/30 11:30am $25. Frankie's Improv Class is approachable from every level and initiates moments of change in dancer's available movement. It's both light hearted and has great depth, and he makes it easy to be a shy dancer while diving in with those ready to be put on the spot. Don't Miss It!

Sign up for these classes here

  • “Camera Ready” is Open Call’s photogenic contest. Enter by Friday at 4pm for your last chance to win the regional Camera Ready Contest- $40

  • All 2024 Regional Camera Ready Winners are able to enter to be “The Face of Open Call 2025” and get a photoshoot with an Open Call photographer and their photo on the cover of every 2025 Program! $40, email to enter. If you win on Friday, June 28th, you don’t need to pay to re-enter. The Face of Open Call will be awarded at Saturday Evening’s performance!

  • Dancers do not need to be present to win.

  • Dancers can sign up to be in an Opening Number set by Frankie Morgan that will be performed in the Sunday 2pm Gala for Open Call Nationals on June 30th!

  • All dancers will be able to be in Frankie Morgan's contemporary piece, and we will not have an audition- see the rehearsal schedule below. 

  • Rehearsal Schedule: all rehearsals are at Dancefx at 396 Foundry Street in Athens. Parking is available at the adjacent pavilion and parking deck, and please pull a ticket when you enter and validate it while at Dancefx. Thursday, June 27th- 7-9pm

    Friday, June 28th- 7-9pm (if competition runs late, rehearsal will start late!)

    Saturday, June 29th 7-9pm

    OPTIONAL- Sunday, June 30th 7:30-9am (Frankie will let you know if this is needed)

    Sunday, June 30th- Tech rehearsal will be at  12:50pm at the UGA Fine Arts Center at 255 Baldwin Street (Park at the Tate Center Deck on Lumpkin)

    Sunday, June 30th-2pm Perform at the Open Call Nationals Gala! 

  • Costume: Frankie has asked that everyone wear denim that they may style on their own! He will let you know when to bring your costume to put the whole piece look together.